Thought It Couldn’t Get Worse? BRISTOL’S “Reality Show” Coming Soon

The “new look” Bristol Palin (that’s her above, before and after plastic surgery) will be unveiled this fall via the Palins’ favorite medium: “reality” TV.

As long as Hollywood’s cash register drawer remains open, there will always be a Palin with a hand in the till.

The good news is that just as with Sarah’s own unreality show on TLC last year, nobody has to watch.

69 Responses to “Thought It Couldn’t Get Worse? BRISTOL’S “Reality Show” Coming Soon”

  • Older_Wiser:

    I’ll repeat myself from another blog: f this report is true, Bristle can go f*ck herself. She’s using Tripp on the show. And I have no doubt that this is an attempt to show how “non-racist” the Palin Klan is. A white woman w/a kid moving in with 2 black guys? As if that happens every day in Amerika.

    The apple has not fallen far from the tree indeed.

  • Ardiva:

    Food for thought: Maybe Bristol is doing this to piss off her mom?

  • Julie:

    SPA depicted a pretty genuine family. Bristol’s pretty dynamic in person. And the Massey brothers are awesome. This could be a great show. For some reason I doubt she actually moved to CA. Isn’t Maricopa a relatively short drive? I bet they rented a home to use in LA.

  • karenw729:

    Well this explains the plastic surgery and makeover.

    Oh, and Julie, go troll somewhere else.

  • ManxMamma:

    Ahh the happy troll is back. Better get busy Julie. So many blogs so little time to post!

  • Carrie R:

    How can this be good for a two year old? Moving across the country would be hard enough. Now he has to live with 2 adults males who are relative strangers to him? Then when he bonds with them as male role models, they up and leave? WTF kind of parenting is that?

  • Freesia:

    The kind that her mother gave to her. Palin’s kids were raised by whoever would take them.

  • may:

    I bet Sarah is flipping out about this. Bristol moving in with not one , but two black men. Wonder if Sarah will guest star. Probably not because she charges too much for an appearance. These two are the biggest hypocrites in the world.

  • Freesia:

    So the moral here is if that if you are talentless lump who happens to be the daughter of an equally talentless lump – but you have a baby to market (preferably conceived out of wedlock or obtained from unknown sources) – that you can too can make a boatload of money as long as you have absolutely no shame and the inability to give a good “gosh darn it” about the children involved.

    This family is just trash. Pure white trash.

  • dicer:

    This is all part of Sarah’s plan to run for President.She thinks all she has to do is put up a prop,Bristo,and people will vote for her. Fool the people,rake in $$$ while pretending to do charity work…we have seen this reel before.

  • themom:

    Family values at its very best.

  • WakeUpAmerica:

    It is generational pimping of their children for money.

  • AFM:

    Let’s hope that Levi has the balls to make sure his son isn’t put out there on display. I guess Momma Bitch has to keep her props out there in tv land. Levi get some balls and don’t let her parade your son on the show.

  • Bubbalicious:

    Sarah Sarah Sarah, you lost Miss Alaska to an African American.
    You lost your chance to be the VP of the USA to an African American.
    Instead of your daughter taking her unearned money and educating herself, Bristol spent all that money on her chin and face to end up moving in with two African American men. My my my this must be a nightmare to Sarah Palin’ family. Sarah will probably take her anger out against President and Mrs. Obama.

    Sarah ever hear the saying “Once you go black, you never go back”?


  • Ed:

    Bristol is slowly losing her inheritance.

  • Freesia:

    Somebody on another site (maybe Palingates?) said they wondered if this small “charity” that she’s going to be “working” for is a set up Samitaran’s Purse by her mother’s buddy Franklin.

    But I wondered if this is by any chance a dummy charity set up by SarahPAC. It would fit in with the money laundering that the Palins do. Bristol’s own “PR company” is a way of washing money for Sarah and keeping it in the family. How far of a stretch would it be for Sarah to use same money to set up a charity storefront that met the minimum guidelines – and then sold the concept to reality tv – for a double whammy by making the ill gotten money make even more money?

    I’m just pondering. It may be a legitimate place (using Bristol as much as she’s using them) but would you really put it past Sarah to do what I described? I wouldn’t.

  • Tservo:

    Well sure, because Bristol spent her college fund on a new face, so she needs to hit the media cash machine again.

    You know, I don’t like carping at a young woman and the choices she makes- it feels too mean.
    Yet the Palin family- with Sarah as megaphone- bangs on and on, how they are just a sweet, close knit family like other Americans. Bristol’s only claim to fame is the fact her mother put her on the national stage as a pregnant teen, and she then had a baby. She is not particularly educated, smart or talented, nor is she interested in being so.

    It is a sad commentary on how low the bar is set for the children of infamous people.

  • Virginia Voter:

    Sure, Brisdull, whatever you say, honey. Keep trolling the blogs to your futile effort to spin fairy tales. Kinda funny how the Palins whine, kick, and stomp their feet about the awful liberal “lamestream” media, yet loooove their paychecks from being on tee vee. Their money grubbing palms are always out. The Palins are nothing but media whores, whose hypocrisy knows no bounds.

  • Ferry Fey:

    She says she takes Tripp to his skating lessons. Two year olds get skating lessons these days?

  • lee:

    Mama sow is behind this. $p thinks she can claim she is not racist if her daughter is living with two black guys. LOL

  • emrysa:

    what’s funny tho – the teabaggers who supported her on dwts aren’t going to like that she’s living with 2 black dudes, lol.

  • Martha:

    I care not about Bristle (except her Barbie version at theperilsofpalins) as I foresee that she is going to be a major wreck at some point with no intervention or attention from me. She does not yet have any potential to avoid it, she does not yet have the character to weather it well. I’d rather avert my eyes since she is so irrelevant to me – I don’t really like crash and burns unless the villain really deserves it. Granny Palin? Yep, I’ll watch that crash & burn – she has personally affronted me, and my state, in a thousand ways.

  • Kimberly:

    This is great!!! Another losing Palin situation no matter what the intent.

    Good Lord how I wish this was done without Palin’s or Palin’s parasites knowledge. I personally I do not believe this is a solo project Bristol orchestrated though. After Bristol tried that interview way back without her mother’s team knowing, the Greta one where Sarah barged in scaring the sht out of Bristol, I think very little has been done contractual wise without them knowing. (Actually I do not think Sarah cares at all what Bristol is up to but those who are making money off of these two nitwits do.)

    Facts are Bristol has left a paper trail a mile long showing she is teamed up with her mother’s bottom feeders from legal to that man beast Facebook writer, Mansour. (Has anyone else noticed the way Ram’s name and her face describe one another is poetic).

    I think this Dlister reality show with Kyle and Christopher is an attempt by Palin’s circus of retards to make the Palin’s seem less colorphobic & hip with a young voting crowd. It will backlash in EPIC PORPORTION. Palin’s core group are bitter old men & women who HATE HATE HATE especially a black man. Bristol, a young white female with a baby already out of wedlock shacking up with TWO BLACK MEN…Ahaha & OMIGod this is fantastic, unbelievable, brilliant. The show is gonna suck ratings because Kyle just isn’t gangsta or pretty enough to have a core audience to draw a crowd. All that is going to come out of this is FAILURE. Palin just lost herself the 50 & over Southern crowd who will tar & feather her lilly white ass if she ever comes to their hometown again with her nigger loving daughter. Bristol better save this payday because the free ride of $30,000 to show up trying not to look to pregnant is over!!!

    I LOVE the inclusion of, “purportedly work at a small charity”.

    The premise of the show is pretty simple: Bristol moves with her 2-year-old son, Tripp, from Arizona—where she recently bought her first home (and gave E! News the grand tour)—to L.A., where she’ll purportedly work at a small charity while living with Massey, who bested her for second place on Dancing, and his 21-year-old brother, Chris.

  • g:

    Where’s the story here? Seriously – what’s the hook for the reality TV show? Young uneducated woman with a baby working for low wages in an office, lives with roommates – what’s the interest? We’re going to thrill at her struggle to find a babysitter? Listen to her gripe about her co-workers? Complain about parking and grocery shopping? I’m sure middle America will find this fascninating.

    Or are they going to go all “jersey shore” and we get to see them drinking and partying? Will they have fights and arguments? Will someone get arrested?

    Seriously, what is the interest here? These are profoundly uninteresting, ordinary people. Why would anyone tune in?

  • EatMoreFish:

    I find it so interesting that since $arah and the Paylins came on the national scene in 2008 nary a single friend – sister/brother – cousin, etc. has come to her defense — vouching for any ‘good’ qualities. Sure, the P-bots screech her ‘wonderfulness,’ but nothing from those who have known her longest and best. Very telling …. It is also telling that no one in AK ever sees $arah anywhere — not even at church. Where are all her kids? It must be awful to live a life of fear –

    “Oh, what a fateful web we weave, When first we practise to deceive.”

  • laprofesora:

    If nothing else, those Trailer Park Paylins sure are good for a laugh (hey, I think I just named their next reality show).

  • lilly lily:

    When you imagine it can’t get any stranger, it does.

    Don’t know the details and I have nothing to say about her choice of African American men, or women as roomies. Bristol certainly is a pistol, as her mommy dearest puts it.

    But Holy Cow, isn’t this a stunner?

    Explains the plastic stuff to her face. And no loss of weight on the torso, arms and legs. Maybe she will go on a diet on the show, though African American men have no problem with girls with meat on their bones. This will not go well in the deep south.

    She couldn’t get a reality show with Levi, but she gets one this way?

    What gives.

  • laprofesora:

    Bwahaaaahaaa. Good one!

  • lilly lily:

    Oh I didn’t realize it was Kyle Massey who already has a T.V. following. Perhaps they bonded on DWTS. Both can go on a diet together and see who loses the most weight.

  • Beaglemom:

    What has happened in this country that either Sarah Palin or her daughter are considered worthy of all this media attention? Personally I’d rather look at a documentary about flowers or clouds.

    I also hope that the IRS has been looking into the oh-so-very-complicated finances of the Palin family. What a bunch of crooks.

  • Dr Who:

    What kind of person would watch such DREK. That’s a word I learned from my mom. American culture is becoming frightening and the Republicans want to keep cutting education $ funding and arts funding. Kids are not growing up exposed to culture- theatre, arts, literature. That’s why they like reality TV! Unbelievable but not surprising. I find most reality TV trashy just like the Palins and most of their followers. Call me elitist,I don’t care. It bugs me that someone Luke Bristol is making all this money and what the H has she accomplished. There are so many hardworking people out there who are more accomplished and they are struggling. It’s disgusting what opportunists the Palins are. And the ignorant enable it.

    Off topic, but Joe, I hope you see this. I wanted to download a few of your books to read on my new color nook and Barnes and noble only had two books; Never Enough and The Big Horse.
    Do you know why and if there’s a way to add others?? I can write B&N but it probably wouldn’t help. It’s ok if not, I will buy somewhere else, but I love getting books digitally. Also you might sell a lot of other ebooks with a new one coming out, especially since it’s sure to be a best seller. Maybe the publisher doesn’t make enough from B&N. I dont know how these things work. I was able to pre-order Dunns book yesterday for the nook.


  • VictoriaJ:

    Yep, that’s reality. The younger Wasillabilly grifter and her baby (who famously accused the baby’s father of pandering and trying to get a reality show by using his son— is moving into a Hollywood apartment with two brothers?! Working for a charity (Graham?)

    Now what will the racist, pandering grandma say? Why nothing, of course. The Daily Mail has been trying to set us all up for some kind of Bristol/ Sarah feud the last few weeks to plug this crap on a cracker. You know, because Bristol is all open minded and liberal and stuff and Sarah isn’t. So which episode is Sarah going to appear on and hug a Massey brother and say he’s just like one of her own? lol.

    The Palins are like a rash of unknown origin. Itchy, annoying with no help in sight of getting rid of them.

  • FrostyAK:

    Gag me with a chainsaw!

    The name palin and charity in the same sentence makes an odd ringing in my ears. There IS no such thing. This is to line a palin’s pocket and nothing else.

    I hope Levi has the cahones to put a stop to the use of his son in such a way. But then he is part of the trailer trash mentality; something Joe is very familiar with, having lived in Wasilla for more than a week.

  • Dr Who:

    Gee Julie, really??? Bristol is dynamic??? I find her to be a boring hick who is as dull as dirt.
    Maricopa is a 6 hour drive from LA, hardly next door.
    Your comments how how worldly you are. I’m so impressed.

  • LisaB:

    How utterly appalling. I would be so ashamed if this were my child.

  • Didn’t Bristol complain to the custody judge that she thought Levi would try to exploit little Tripp, and try to sell photos of him?

  • lilly lily:

    Bristol isn’t charitable, any more than her mother ever was. It is always lip service, and what’s in it for me.

    They act on the belief system that charity begins at home, and charity is what puts money in your own pocket.

    Most of those speaking thingees her mother has been involved seem setups to get money in Sarah Palin bank account. Apparently the apple didn’t fall far from the tree with Bristol. Has to be some connection with the Samaritan Purse setup.

    There is always something off and strange if you dig, with anything this family is involved in.

    Well I don’t begrude the Massey brothers there end of the deal, but I do wonder about Bristol and her make believe feud with Mama Grizz.

  • Elizabeth:

    How many live-in men has he had in his life so far? At least these guys don’t really live in.

  • 10CatsinMD:

    Agree, totally agree. How to make money by being a teenage unwed mother. Total boring joke.

    Actually, Bristol may have just discovered birthcontrol and wants to make good use of it, anywhere, but especially hollywood.

  • lilly lily:


    I do know the difference between there and their. My humblest apologies to any spelling Nazi in J.McG’s readership.

    Will proof read next time.

  • Martha:

    Take a deep breath over Bristle. I have a feeling her scriptwriters will be the worse for wear – just like her poor Ghostwriter. Laugh a little to lower your blood pressure.

  • ManxMamma:

    Absolutely. Most kids from the northern climes start skating and skiing as soon as they can walk.

  • Lisabeth:

    The Perils of Palin website is hysterical!!!
    And really you are right, laughing is best. Really this only makes Sarah look ridiculous and not serious as a political candidate. A reality show, lol! She can’t be running for president. If she is, and this is part of her plan, she truly is a moron.

  • Anyone from Alaska, or over 50, or at all, invited to weigh in…speaking of starlets!

  • krbmjb05:

    I am friends with an ex of a Real Housewives faker on TV. She was successful (and others have been too) in keeping her kids off the show. I hope Levi fights to make sure that Tripp is not on this sham of a “reality” fiasco.

    Time to start writing the Biography channel and post about her gay slurs, the stuff she writes to Mercede, etc.

  • claudette:

    if you go to
    Amazon you can download free apps for Kindle and Nook books free of charge – even an app for kindke books for pc.
    The last one is the one I use and I have no problems.

  • Montrealer:

    What really surprises me is why Kyle befriended Bristol in the first place. He must have been aware of the Palin history. I felt sorry for poor Mark Ballas having Bristol as his partner but I guess it wasn’t his choice to make; Kyle, on the other hand, did have a choice. I wonder if he became friends with her out of pity.

  • Joe:

    THE ROGUE will be available for the Nook ninety days before its Sept. 20 publication.
    My agent is currently working with e-book publishers to make some of the older titles available electronically,
    but for now for any of my books published prior to 2000 you’ll have to make do with the actual physical books.


  • Ivyfree:

    I bet Kyle is doing it in an attempt to use Bristol… on the “any publicity is good publicity” theory.

  • Molly_WI:

    Perhaps Bristol requires money coming in in order not to divulge the Big Secret.

    Sarah the big blackmailer, being blackmailed by her own daughter, maybe?

  • brbr2424:

    Are you speaking from experience? I’m from a northern clime, Quebec. I started skiing at 3 and that’s about the earliest you can start skiing and skating. Bristol learned how to create a false narrative just like her mother.

  • Dee:

    That she did and no sooner was the ink dry on her statement, then she appeared on a magazine cover with Tripp together with an interview with pics inside the magazine. It may have been the In Touch rag mag.

  • Dee:

    Don’t feel sorry for Mark. He was quite comfortable to toss out the ‘Bagger bombs’ in interviews.

  • Star:

    Nope..;emrysa…pee=pond thinks it cool…that girl *deserves* some fun…unfrikken beliveable…

  • Liz:

    Perhaps Tripp is actually three ? Do you remember something that was posted on Gryphen’s blog, ” Trig was Tripp before he was Trig”? If they were discordant twins because of twin to twin transfusion syndrome, it could be possible.

  • ginger50:

    If I was the Massey boys mother, I would do everything I could to prevent thm from any association with the Palins. You know what is going to happen, Bristol is going to accuse one of them of some kind of sexual inappropriateness of some sort. Either that or Sarah will make up some stupid false accusation towards the boys.

  • Sally:

    But the child is never IN the northern climes…remember, she lives in Arizona with him and takes care of him all by her poor single self. She says so, over and over and over.

  • Sally:

    There were a couple of ‘bots on Sea of Pee who were shocked that Bristol would do something that might hurt her mother’s political career. Shocked, I tell you. I’m shocked that BIO is so stupid, myself. And is Levi doesn’t stop the abuse of his son soon, it will be too late for the boy.
    I wonder too, if “my way” Sarah has ever considered the fact that we have never had a President with bastard grandchildren…have we? I think Newt will be out of the GOP pool because of his three wives; they do pretend to be religious, those GOPers.

  • jk:

    My guess is that Levi is being paid to not stand in the way of Bristol exploiting their son in her desperate, pathetic quest for fame.

  • KarenJ:

    Hr sure hasn’t flown home with Chelsea Kane and met HER reality show/failed-politician parents. Palin suck-up.

    OTOH, his hernias haven’t bothered him, because Chelsea weighs about 30 pounds less than Bristol, even after Bristol’s chin sculpture.

  • Scorpie:

    You are joking, right?? Do you not remember that dull as dirt performance on “The Secret Life of The American Teenager” show? She was terrible.

  • Scorpie:

    Be sure to read “Never Enough”. Just finished it and I was completely engrossed in it.

  • KarenJ:

    Wrell, I hope she remembers The Situation’s sage advice if not her own revirginal vows in that PSA last fall.

  • KarenJ:

    (Oops…) “Well,…”

  • VHTG:

    I really hope that the Massey brothers are getting paid a whole lot extra for allowing themselves to be filmed with Bristol Palin.

    I have a sneaking suspicion that this show is going to be all extra religious with Bristol leading grace at meal times and inserting lots of godly spiritual advice to trust in the lord, etc…

    One suggestion for the family…even better than Bristol working for a short time at some charity, hows about you Palins actually donate some of your ill gotten gains TO a charity?

    For instance, Sarah… what about the SPECIAL NEEDS clinic for SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN that just closed in WASILLA due to lack of funding? You could have saved that with a mere pittance of what you make on your speaking tours. In your own home town of Wasilla, Alaska, where your own special needs child lives, you could have saved,, or just started a drive to save that clinic and that would have been a wonderful charitable donation!

    OR, Sarah, you could WAIVE your $ HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR SPEAKING FEE $ that you charge these charities for your attendance. DONATE that HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS FEE right back in to the charity (even minus your transportation, accomodations, food and clothing it would still be a wonderful charitable donation)

    And Bristol, you could donate some of that almost THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS you made from the Candies Organization to programs that actually help to PREVENT TEEN PREGNANCY or SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED disease from unprotected sex (btw, Bristol, sometimes unprotected sex causes STDs and pregnancy).

    After all Bristol, your home state of Alaska has the honor of being NUMBER ONE in America for cases of sexually transmitted chlamydia. And Alaska is NUMBER 2 in America for cases of gonorrhea. And teen pregnancy is really on the rise in Alaska.

    Sarah, as reluctant as you are to part with your speaker’s fees, perhaps you could donate a little time in lieu of $$$$$. You could be an example to parents of special needs children everywhere, by forcing yourself to appear in public with your special needs prop, in a suitable manner.

    Just show up somewhere with Trig and for once, actually have him wearing his hearing aide, his eye glasses and you could even have him in a coat and shoes and socks when it’s 40 degrees outside.

  • emrysa:

    the pee pond is only a dozen people.

  • carollt:

    Maricopa, Arizona is about 400 miles from LA. Bristol moved to Arizona, not California. No reality here folks, but did anyone really think these reality shows were real?

    Of course, I won’t watch the show just like I didn’t watch Mrs. Palin’s lamestream reality show about Alaska. I did catch my 16 year old son watching Mrs. Palin’s show one day. I asked him why and he said Willow was on the show that week and he thought she was hot. I had to laugh to hear such an honest answer.

  • AFM:

    You might be right. But you have to admit only in america can a whore get pg get on tv because mommie dearest is such a great pimp. I wonder what is the whore teaching other young girls who think gee I’ll get pg and get on tv. Way to go Bristol. Grifting must be a family thing. Along with getting pg before marriage like her grandie, and mother. Whata teacher.